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Main Interface on LifeFlix v3.6

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Launch import, resume where left, organize scenes, preview, trim, share with LifeFlix v3.6

To begin trimming your footage, right-click a scene and select “Trim” or select a scene and click the trim icon from the main interface.

When trim mode is active, a timeline with a play button, frame preview, and yellow in/out measure will appear at the bottom of the preview monitor.

Adjusting the Trim:

  • Drag either end of the yellow in/out points. These points will determine the new beginning and end of the trimmed footage.
  • Click “Trim” to finalize the new duration of your footage.
  • Click “Cancel” to discard your edits.

Note: Any scenes that have been trimmed can be reverted by opening them in trim mode again and setting the in/out points to their original positions.

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