Tapes and Scenes on LifeFlix v3.6

LifeFlix v3.6 organizes footage into tapes and scenes, creating a seamless archiving experience.
LifeFlix v3.6 will create a tape when a new import starts. You have the ability to name these tapes when the import interface is launched. Tapes behave as albums for your import captures and will be organized as such.

Tapes contain scenes which are segments of footage from your tape. If the tape you are archiving footage from has segments of footage, LifeFlix v3.6 will create a scene for each one within your tape.
Scenes will also be automatically named after your tape’s assigned name from the import interface. If you named your tape “Vacation 1998”, all your scenes will be named “Vacation 1998 - 1”, “Vacation 1998 - 2”, etc. and will follow a numerical order in the order they are captured from your tape device.
Scenes can be reorganized by clicking and dragging a scene above or below another. Scenes can also be deleted by selecting the “File” option at the very top of your display and clicking the “Delete” action. Lastly, scenes can be duplicated by clicking and dragging a scene and releasing it over a different tape. The duplicated scene will still keep its original name.
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